Time has passed…
It’s been seven months today since I left my home on the beautiful island of Maui.
In this selfie, taken in Sardinia at an ancient site filled with myth and lore, I found a dear plant friend: borage.
Borage helps us gather the courage to walk the unknown winding path ahead.
That day, I happened to be wearing a lion t-shirt, making me think of the lion in The Wizard of Oz, who needed courage because he was a bit of a scaredy cat.
Leaving my home in the beautiful way I did and stepping into the unknown.
After my beloved Titan passed, I was no longer bound to any responsibility, which was both devastating and freeing.
Two contrasting experiences and feelings can live side by side simultaneously.
The death initiation and afterlife apprenticeship set the stage for this sacred sojourn.
The tragic death of Titan was the spark that ignited these changes.
As I have continued to wander, each step I take is a practice, a ceremony, an invitation to tend to what arises inside each experience.
Each place I stay, each place I visit, each culture gives me something different to respond to, each offering a unique reflection.
My work has been on the altar for some time as I dissolved my school, cleared the blocks inside of me, dissolved the agreements I had unknowingly made, and shed skins that no longer served me and am stepping into an integration of my authentic self.
Giving myself this time has been deeply needed and powerful.
The magic of this journey has been in the subtle threads that are being unraveled and woven through this experience.
I have never navigated my life in a more beautiful and right way.
The death initiation truly showed me how to live a life with less ‘stuff’ to tend to in death.
I am grateful to those who have walked with me, who are still here through the culling, through these huge changes, and still hold me in your heart, thoughts, and prayers.
I am grateful to those who show up, reach out, connect, and share your life with me.
With my life experiences, I have often felt like a lone wolf, even as a child.
And even lone wolves travel to find their pack when they don’t feel they belong.
With Love, Naomi