From Sacrifice to Empowerment

My lifelong journey of study, learning, and gathering information began at a very young age. Growing up in challenging circumstances, I found solace and refuge in the world of plants and healing.

At the tender age of ten, I immersed myself in herbal medicine books and Native American stories that spoke of healing traditions. By the time I turned twelve, I had delved into books on witchcraft and massage, eager to expand my knowledge even further.

One particularly harrowing moment stands out when, at fifteen, I attempted to live with my mother after her suicide attempt. Instead of finding solace, I was sent back to my father and blamed, burdened with a weight no young woman should bear.

As a sixteen-year-old navigating the complexities of being a homeless teen, I had already faced multiple instances of being kicked out by my father. While the details of those tumultuous times are vast, they underscore the resilience and determination that defined my journey.

Despite the challenges, my journey took a pivotal turn at eighteen when I began working at a local health food store and studying under the guidance of herbal medicine woman Brigitte Mars.

This marked the beginning of a transformative chapter where I continued to study, gather information, and immerse myself in the world of healing. From making medicines to using them in my own life and sharing them with my community, each step fueled my passion for herbalism and holistic healing.

Navigating life on my own at a young age meant that all my studies were self-funded. Through hard work and work trade, I paved my path, driven by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and a deep-seated passion for healing.

This isn't just a checkpoint in my story; it's a profound realization of my identity and purpose. As a self-made entrepreneur and survivor, I've journeyed through darkness and uncertainty, guided by an unwavering commitment to my path of healing and service.

Every modality I've studied, every teacher I've learned from, has been a beacon illuminating my inner drive to support and uplift others on their journey. It's not merely about acquiring knowledge or mastering techniques; it's about channeling that knowledge into a force for healing and transformation in the lives of those I encounter.

My journey has been shaped by adversity, but it's also been fueled by resilience and determination. In the face of challenges, setbacks, and doubts, I've remained steadfast in my dedication to helping others navigate their own paths to wholeness and well-being.

Through my experiences, I've come to understand that true healing isn't just about addressing physical ailments or alleviating symptoms; it's about nurturing the mind, body, and spirit in harmony. It's about creating spaces of compassion, understanding, and empowerment where individuals can reclaim their innate capacity for healing and growth.

As I reflect on my journey, I can't help but recognize the profound shift that has taken place within me. For so long, I felt an intense sense of duty, a driving force compelling me to help others at any cost. It was as if I had been chosen for a sacred mission, and everything else, including my own well-being, was secondary.

Without realizing it, I had become the martyr, sacrificing my own needs and desires in service of others. I felt bound by an invisible contract, tethered to a sense of obligation that left me depleted and exhausted.

But standing at this new threshold, I find myself liberated from the shackles of outdated beliefs. I've tended to the rubble, the remains of what once was, and now I'm ready to build anew. Yet, this time, it's different. This time, I step forward not out of duty, but out of love – love for myself and love for the work I am here to share.

I've come to understand that my purpose isn't synonymous with sacrifice. It's about honoring my own needs and expertise while extending a helping hand to others. I've realized that my well-being is not at odds with my ability to serve; rather, it is integral to it.

Now, as I embrace this newfound clarity, I welcome those who resonate with me, who are ready to journey into the realm of healing and transformation. Together, we will co-create a space where mutual respect and reciprocity reign, where each individual's unique gifts and contributions are celebrated and honored.

I am no longer the martyr; I am the empowered healer, standing tall in my authenticity and radiating the light of compassion and self-love. And as I embark on this next chapter of my journey, I do so with an open heart and a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that I am here not just to serve, but to thrive.

With Grace, Naomi Love

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The Ceremony of Reincarnation


A letter to my work