I am now who I’ve been waiting to become.
I am now who I’ve been waiting to become.
When I set out on my walkabout, I wasn’t sure what lay ahead.
All I knew was that I needed to go.
Each step along the way, each place I visited—each temple, ruin, mosque, church, dragon line, sacred ground, stone circle, holy well, and fairy tree—gave me a gift.
It was as though every step, every place, offered me a piece of myself that had been waiting to be revealed.
When people ask me what my favorite place was, or what my favorite part of the journey was, I find it hard to answer.
Because this wasn’t simply a trip—it was a ceremony. A sacred pilgrimage through the depths of my inner landscape.
I walked through all that arose, tending to it with reverence.
It was as though each step was an initiation, a sacred thread weaving me back to my true self.
I journeyed through the death initiation, into the afterlife, waded through the Bardo, into reincarnation.
I now have profound clarity where before lay a dark mistforest path of the unknown.
Now, I am clear in how I want to work, who I want to work with, and the energy I desire to be allied with.
Now, I am putting all that I journeyed through into action. I am overcome with a deep sense of gratitude.
Every choice I made, every experience I had, every moment of seeking, was a thread weaving me here.
I am now who I’ve been waiting to become my whole life.
For that, I am grateful.